2,836 research outputs found

    New Universal Current-mode Biquad Using Only Three ZC-CFTAs

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    The objective of this paper is to present a new universal Current-mode biquad capable of providing all the five basic filter functions, namely, low pass (LP), Band pass (BP), high pass (HP), Band reject (BR) and all pass (AP) from the same configuration using only three Z - copy current follower transconductance amplifiers (ZC-CFTA) along with the provision of independent electronic tunability of the filter parameters f0 and Q0 (or bandwidth) through two separate DC bias currents while employing both grounded capacitors as desirable for integrated circuit implementation. The workability of the proposed structure is verified by PSPICE simulations based on CMOS implementation of the ZC-CFTA


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    The aim of the paper is to study the product planning and positioning, factors influencing their price decision, selection of distribution and media channels by the Small-Scale manufactures in the leading industrial state of Punjab. In the era of globalization Small manufacturers are facing lot of problems in areas of marketing mix such as product planning and positioning, pricing and distribution issues. The entrepreneur’s perception relating to these various issues have been highlighted in this paper. Total 173 units manufacturing textiles, bicycle and bicycle parts, food products and beverages and leather and leather products have been surveyed. A number of statements indicating the marketing mix issues have been developed and the respondents were asked to express their level of agreement/disagreement with these statements on five-point Likert scale. Kruskal-Wallis test has been applied to know the significant differences among the respondents relating to different industries, age and turnover groups with respect to these statements. The test has been applied at assumed p-value =0.05. The statements with less than 0.05 p-value are considered significant and those with p-value more than the assumed value are considered to be insignificant. The major finding reveals that small manufacturers are not using well versed with the marketing mix techniques and do not use latest marketing tool such as e-marketing or web marketing. The promotion of the products by advertising is not prevalent among these units.Small manufacturers, product planning, pricing, distribution channels, promotional strategies

    Bird fancier’s lung: clinical-radiological presentation in 15 cases

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    Wstęp: Płuco hodowców ptaków (BLF, bird fancier lung) jest chorobą śródmiąższową rozwijającą się u chorych w odpowiedzi na kontakt wziewny z alergenami ptaków (białka ptasich piór i odchodów). Rozpoznanie ustala się na podstawie charakterystycznego wywiadu, obrazu klinicznego oraz wyniku biopsji płuca. Celem obecnej pracy była analiza przypadków BFL w materiale własnym.Materiał i metody: Poddano retrospektywnej analizie przypadki BFL rozpoznane w Vallabhbhai Patel Institute w okresie dwóch lat: 2013 i 2014. Rozpoznanie BFL ustalono zgodnie z kryteriami ustanowionymi przez Marka Schuylera i Yvon Cormier.Wyniki: W omawianym przedziale czasu rozpoznanie BFL ustalono u 15 chorych, dwunastu kobiet i trzech mężczyzn, w średnim wieku 54,93 ±14,21 roku. Wszyscy chorzy zgłaszali narażenie na kontakt z gołębiami, były to osoby niepalące. Czas od początku objawów choroby do ustalenia rozpoznania wynosił 1−8 lat. Głównymi objawami zgłaszanymi przez chorych były duszność wysiłkowa i kaszel. W badaniach radiologicznych stwierdzano rozproszone guzki śródzrazikowe, obszary matowej szyby, dominujące w płatach górnych, włóknienie, niekiedy z obecnością rozstrzeni z pociągania, zmiany o typie plastra miodu oraz powiększenie węzłów chłonnych śródpiersia. W materiale z biopsji płuca pobranej przez bronchofiberoskop stwierdzano słabo uformowane ziarniniaki oraz cechy przewlekłego śródmiąższowego zapalenia.Wnioski: Płuco hodowców ptaków może powodować szeroką gamę obrazów radiologicznych, dlatego u każdego chorego na śródmiąższową chorobę płuc należy zwrócić uwagę na historię ekspozycji na alergeny wywołujące BLF.Introduction: Bird fancier’s lung (BFL) is a type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis occurring in response to avian antigens (usually inhaled proteins in bird feathers and droppings). The diagnosis is based on a combination of clinical, radiological, and biopsy characteristics. The present study was planned to highlight the clinico-radiological presentation in cases of BFL.Material and methods: The present study is a retrospective analysis of cases of bird fancier’s lung diagnosed in a unit of Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute over a period of two years, from 2013−2014. The clinico-radiological features of the subjects were analysed. The diagnosis of BFL was made as per criteria laid down by Mark Schuyler and Yvon Cormier.Results: There were a total of fifteen cases diagnosed with BFL during the study period, comprising twelve females and three males with a mean age of 54.93 ± 14.21 years. All the studied subjects gave significant history of exposure to pigeons and were non-smokers. The period of symptoms prior to presentation varied from one to eight years. The main symptoms on presentation were exertional breathlessness and cough. Radiologically, diffuse centrilobular nodules, ground glassing — diffuse or patchy predominant in upper lobes, fibrosis with or without traction bronchiectasis, honeycombing, and mediastinal lymphadenopathy were seen. Bronchoscopy showed ill-defined granulomas and chronic interstitial inflammation.Conclusions: BFL can exhibit a wide range of radiological patterns, and a high index of suspicion must be maintained, with particular attention to detailed exposure history in every case of interstitial lung disease

    On the Estimation of Zeta-Potential from Electroosmotic Flux Data

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